Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 i-Learn Smart Start - Period 1, Theme 9 - Classroom Activities - Lesson 3

After completing this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Language competence
Identify and use the following vocabulary items and grammatical structures to ask and answer about classroom activities and personalities
Count numbers, draw pictures, spell words, sing songs
I can (count numbers).
Where are you from?
I'm from (Hanoi).
2. Core competence
- Build up interests and good habits in learning English
- Build up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a long-life learner
- Be supportive and collaborative in team work
- Demonstrate problem-solving and communicative skills through learning activities
3. Personal qualities
- Build up respective attitudes to others in the community
- Build up spirits of the responsibility for family and the community
Tiếng Anh 2 i-Learn Smart Start Week: Date of teaching: Period: 1 THEME 9: CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES Lesson 3 Objectives: After completing this lesson, students will be able to: Language competence Identify and use the following vocabulary items and grammatical structures to ask and answer about classroom activities and personalities Vocabulary: Count numbers, draw pictures, spell words, sing songs Structures: I can (count numbers). Where are you from? I'm from (Hanoi). Core competence - Build up interests and good habits in learning English - Build up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a long-life learner - Be supportive and collaborative in team work - Demonstrate problem-solving and communicative skills through learning activities Personal qualities - Build up respective attitudes to others in the community - Build up spirits of the responsibility for family and the community Teaching aids: Teacher’s aids: student book and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/interactive whiteboard/TV. Students’ aids: Student books, notebooks, workbooks. Procedures: Time Steps/Activities Organization 5’ Warm-up Sing the “Phonics Song” (source : Kids TV 123 Teacher – whole class Option 1: “Patty Cake” game Divide the class into pairs. Have students sit facing each other. The teacher says a word. (E.g. zoo) The students slap their knees once, clap their hands once, and then clap their partner’s hands once as they both say “/z/ /z/ Z is for zoo.”. Continue doing the action in the same way. Teacher – Whole class/ individuals/ pair work Option 2: “Clap, Stamp or Jump” game Divide the class into four teams. Call out a letter or a word with that letter. Have students stand up and clap if they hear letter v or words starting with letter v, stamp if they hear letter w or words starting with letter w, jump if they hear letter z or words starting with letter z. Repeat the activity with other letter / words. Teacher – Whole class/ groupwork 25’ New lesson A. Listen and point. Repeat. (CD2 - Track 52) Use some pictures to introduce vocabulary (Count numbers, draw pictures, spell words, sing songs). Give examples for each picture. Arrange the flashcards on the board, play audio, and point to each flashcard. Play audio again and have students point to the pictures in their books. Play audio again and have students listen and repeat. Have students work in pairs, one of them points to the picture in the book and the other says the words. Teacher – Whole class/ individuals/ pair work Option 1: "Guess" game Arrange the flashcards on the board and write a number under each card. Have students look at the flashcards for the count of ten. Turn the flashcards over to face the board when the students are not looking. Call out a number and have students take turns to guess the face-down card. Turn the card over after each guess. Teacher – Whole class Option 2: "Pass the card" game Divide the class into four teams. Have students from each team stand in a line. Give the first student of each team a card and say "Go." The students say the corresponding action and pass the cards over their heads to the ones behind them. Have teams continue the game until their card reaches the last person. The last student in each line races to hand their card to the teacher and says the word. Give the first team to name their card correctly one point. The team that gets the most points wins. Teacher – Whole class/ groupwork B. 1. Listen and point (CD2 – Track 53) Have students call out the things they can see. Have students listen and follow. Play audio and demonstrate pointing. Play audio. Have students listen and point. Have students work in pairs, one student calls out the activities and the other student points to the correct pictures in their books. 2. Listen and repeat. (CD2 – Track 54) Have students look at the useful language box. Play audio. Have students listen to the useful language. Have students practice the useful language. Teacher – Whole class/ pair work Teacher – Whole class C. Play the "Pretend" game. Have students look at the example. Have one student come to the front of the class. Have that student do an action silently. Have the other students try to guess the action. Have students swap roles and repeat. Teacher – whole class/ individuals "Hot seat" game Divide the class into four teams. Have a student from each team sit on the chair facing the class with the board behind them. Teacher writes a sentence on the board. Have the other students try to describe the action. Give the first team to guess the action correctly. (E.g. I can (spell words).) The team that gets the most points wins. Teacher – Whole class/ groupwork Workbook page 60 Have students open their workbooks – page 60 A. Look, read, and circle. Have students identify the pictures and read the activities. Ask students to read the content of picture number 1, then think and circle the correct activity. This is an example. Have students do the remains then compare their answers. Check understanding as a whole class and give the correct answers to the students. B. Look and write. Explain the activity. Have students look at the pictures, read the sentences with missing words. Set up time limit by 1minute timer bomb (source: Have students start reading, writing the correct words. When the time ends by explosion students stop doing their exercises. Have students change their workbooks together. Check understanding as a whole class. Teacher – whole class/ individuals/ pair work 5’ Wrap up Option 1: "Lucky number" game Divide the class into four teams. Prepare some cards with actions on one side and random points on the other side (E.g. count numbers – 10; draw pictures – 5; ) and put them in a box. Have each student respectively pick up cards from the box then say a sentence with the given action. (E.g. I can (count numbers).) Continue with the other students. The team that gets the most points wins. Teacher – Whole class/ groupwork Option 2: "Inside the bag" game Prepare some cards, writes out some actions (count numbers, draw pictures, spell words, sing songs) on the back, then, put them in four bags. Give each team a bag. Divide the class into four teams. Have each student come to the front of the class and choose a card from the bag. Then, say out a sentence with a corresponding action (E.g. I can (draw pictures).) then try to pretend that. Continue with other students. The first team to finish making the sentences with all the cards correctly wins. Teacher – Whole class/ groupwork
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