Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 sách Chân trời sáng tạo - Unit 1: Is this your mom? - Năm học 2020-2021

Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 2 sách Chân trời sáng tạo - Unit 1: Is this your mom? - Năm học 2020-2021

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- Vocabulary: mom, dad, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma

- Practice family names in the form of a chant

- Language Focus: listening, speaking

2. Competences:

- Communication, self study, self-check

3. Quality: Students can read, understand meaning and distinguish words


doc 4 trang Đồng Thiên 05/06/2024 1190
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Week: Planning:
Period: Teaching:
unit 1: is this your mom?
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to
- Vocabulary: mom, dad, brother, sister, grandpa, grandma
- Practice family names in the form of a chant
- Language Focus: listening, speaking
2. Competences:
- Communication, self study, self-check
3. Quality: Students can read, understand meaning and distinguish words
1. Teacher’s: teacher book
2. Students’: Textbooks, notebooks.
I. WARM- UP (5’)
a. Goal: Refresh pupils' memory of the previous unit
b. Content : play the chant from page 9 to review the days of the weeks
c. Expected result: Ss can remember the content of the previous unit and answer the question correctly
d. Performance
T lets Pupils to play the chant from page 9 to review the days of the week then T use flashcards 9 -14 to introduce the vocabulary for this lesson. Hold them up one at a time and say the words for children to repeat in chorus. Repeat as often as necessary until children can remember the words
a. Goal: To correctly pronounce the family names and remember these new words
b. Content: Ss listen, point and repeat
c. Expected result: Ss can pronounce new words and understand the recording
d. Performance:
Ex 1 & 2
Step 1: Transfering the learning task
- T says Open your books and models the action for children to copy. Point to the family pictures
- T plays the first part of the recording. Hold up book and point to the pictures in time with the recording
- T plays the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words in chorus
- T holds uo the flashcards one at a time and ask individual children to say the words
Step 2: Performing the task
- Ss listen and point to the appropriate pictures
- Ss point to the pictures and repeat the words
- Ss say the words individually
Step 3: Discussion
Call on one student read these new words in front of class
Step 4: Conclusion
T correct their pronunciation if necessary, and praise them when their pronunciation is good.
New vocabulary:
- Mom (n) : mẹ
- Dad (n): bố
- Brother (n): anh trai
- Sister (n): chị gái
- Grandpa (n): ông
- Grandma (n): bà
3. Point and say. Stick
a. Goal: To correct identify and pronounce the family names
b. Content: SS point to each family member and say the word
c. Expected result: Pupils can correctly identify and pronounce the family names and place all the stickers in the correct caption boxes
d. Performance:
Step 1: Transfering the learning task
-T holds up book and point to the picture. Point to each family member one at a time and says the words
- T repeats and encourages children to point to the pictures and say the words with T in chorus
- T says Let’s stick the stickers. Take the grandpa sticker and show it to the class. Place it on the caption box in the Student Book and say Grandpa
Step 2: Performing the task
- Ss copy T to do the task
Step 3: Discussion
- Ss do the exercise individually then compare with their partner
Step 4: Conclusion
- T goes around class to check on them, corrects for Ss if necessaty

a. Goal: To successfully recall the position of target words and pictures
b. Content: Ss play missing card
c. Expected result: Pupils can remember and say the missing card
d. Performance:
T places all the flashcards on the board then asks the children to close their eyes. T takes one card away. When the children open their eyes, ask a volunteer to say what card is missing

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  • docgiao_an_tieng_anh_lop_2_sach_chan_troi_sang_tao_unit_1_is_th.doc